Economics Blog #2 – Drought

Have you ever actually thought about how much natural water all of us people in the United states use each day! Neither have I, but that’s beside the point. California is currently in a major drought, which started in about 2001. Lots of places are either in a drought, or Have been in a drought before. Certain areas in the United States have not been affected as much by the drought in the United States. California is one of the unlucky states who was, and is still majorly affected by the drought. The drought in California started mildly in about 2012, and it is way worse now in 2014. California’s drought has had major effects on the people. For example, The shortage in water has caused a huge decrease for many farmers of crops and other things that require water. According to certain studies, It has been said that California has lost approximately 63 Trillion gallons of water.

About 4 months ago my mom and I had a small garden in which we grew a very wide variety of peppers and tomatoes. I was kind of bored at first because it was taking so long for anything to grow. We had not previously grown a garden so it was a learning experience for the both of us. Eventually all sorts of peppers and tomatoes started budding out of the plants, so then I got excited, and wanted everything to grow already so I could pick stuff off of the plants. Eventually after that, things were ready to pick everyday. Eventually the plants slowed down the rapid production of peppers, and tomatoes, and one plant in specific, (my jalapeño plant) was really turning a dried up tanish color, and the jalapeño peppers were not growing big enough to pick. this really confused me because my mom and I would water the garden almost everyday. Then my cayenne peppers were staying green and not turning a ripened red, and the plant was really easy to break pieces off of it. Generally the same thing happened to my other peppers and now, to this very day, the plants are all dried up. I now strongly believe that the plants started to dry up not only because the plants were going “out of season,” but also because of the drought that was slowly getting worse as the days went on.

Economics Blogpost #1 – Ebola

Can animals be a source of ebola? In Africa, the process in which meats are prepared majorly differs from the way meat is prepared in america. They also don’t use the same kind of meat. they eat animals like monkey, bats, and deer, etc..

These few animals are what they call bushmeat. Bushmeat is any animal that comes from the forest. Certain bushmeat like birds, bats, and monkeys are most likely to have some type of disease, and can be more dangerous. There are studies that have shown that the animals that the people in Africa find, kill, and eat are a huge possible cause of ebola.

Forest monkeys, and fruit-bats are most likely to has some type of disease. A reason that I think causes, or spreads ebola is if the bushmeat is not cooked properly. Meat in america can also be bad if it is not cooked properly, or entirely. Bacon, and sausage are good examples of food that can cause sickness, and other problems, or be bad in some way if it is not entirely cooked, or if it is cooked improperly.

Some of the things that are discussed in this video talk about are how the liberian government put a ban on the sale of meat in all meat markets, but that was ignored. Some people keep monkeys as pets, and others cook it up and sell it in the meat markets. People native to africa talk about how their great ancestors were eating bushmeat and that they aren’t afraid of ebola and they call it a rumor. It is said that approximately 900 people in Africa have died from the Ebola virus.

Will there ever be a natural medicine in africa for the Ebola disease?

Blogpost #4 – Foreign policy

The U.S. Foreign Policy AKA Foreign Relations Policy is strategies and goals created by the U.S. in order to interact with foreign countries, and also protect the nation’s interests. The goals of the U.S. foreign policy are to protect the U.S. from terrorist attacks, protecting Americans’ jobs, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, reducing dependence on imported energy, combating international drug trafficking, reducing illegal immigration, strengthening the UN, dealing with global climate change, promoting and defending human rights in other countries, help improve living standards in developing nations, and promoting democracy in other nations.

PEW Research center makes the foreign policy. It started in the mid 1700’s. One example of foreign policy is the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Britain and the U.S. this treaty was created in June 24, 1795. Americans have mixed, and similar opinions about the U.S. foreign policy, most people want the U.S. to focus on challenges at home, some people agree with the U.S. Foreign policy, and others have their own personal opinions.

Here is an example of a “real-time” event/problem that is happening. Even though this video is making jokes about serious matters, it talks about The effect that “ISIS, the real-time event/problem” has on the world right now. ISIS is now trying to attack the U.S.

On a more serious note

ISIS so brutally insane that they will kill anyone who decides to do anything that does not pertain, or relate to the rule, and belief system that they live by. ISIS is full of hate, and revenge. ISIS troops are well armed, and their common enemy is the Baghdad government. They believe in rule by Allah, and are supported by the Quran. they keep a record of their attacks, and murders. ISIS’s main goal is to bring chaos to all of the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria. ISIS’s main goal is to bring chaos to all of the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria.

I feel like the only reason that ISIS is turning on the U.S. is simply because of the fact that we help other foreign countries that they don’t like, and they are stubborn and have the desire to randomly kill people, sometimes in a genocide, simply because they didn’t “get their way.” They have already beheaded two american journalists, and one french journalist. This is a major example as to why we have a foreign policy in the first place. In ISIS’s case these journalists were disrespectful, and “intruded” on their territory. This relates to America’s foreign policy because ISIS is a terrorist group, and the U.S. doesn’t want a terrorist group getting into the U.S.